How to Design Beauty Treatments Based on Clients' Psychological Needs

Publicado por ZHANGDONG en

The increasing demands of women for beauty care and their growing awareness of skincare with age are notable trends. According to a consumer survey conducted at beauty salons, there is a noticeable shift towards younger individuals, with many women in their twenties already actively engaged in skincare routines. Today, let's discuss how beauty salons can cater to the psychological needs of different beauty seekers, implement projects correctly, and prevent customer attrition and disputes.

### Analysis of Beauty Seekers' Needs

On the surface, beauty consumers, commonly referred to as "beauty seekers" within the industry, appear to be primarily driven by a desire for attractiveness and youthfulness. However, their needs can be categorized into two levels:

1. **Explicit Needs**: These are the observable demands or those explicitly expressed by beauty seekers.
2. **Implicit Needs**: These stem from the genuine thoughts and motivations within the beauty seekers, often hidden beneath the surface and sometimes unclear even to the seekers themselves.

While explicit needs are about fulfilling external desires, implicit needs are aimed at satisfying the beauty seekers' inner selves. Implicit needs often revolve around emotional fulfillment. Therefore, beauty seekers' satisfaction is reflected in both the tangible results and the emotional expectations being met. Some institutions focus solely on the results, neglecting emotional management, which can lead to scenarios where the outcomes are good, but customer satisfaction remains low.

To better serve beauty salon clients and avoid customer attrition and disputes, it is crucial to understand the psychological needs of beauty seekers. Here are specific strategies and methods to address the needs of different types of clients:

### I. Explicit and Implicit Needs

1. **Explicit Needs**: These are the needs directly expressed by clients, such as improving skin condition or removing wrinkles. Beauty salons can meet explicit needs through the following methods:
   - Provide detailed project introductions and plans.
   - Showcase successful cases and before-and-after comparison images.
   - Use high-quality products and advanced technologies.

2. **Implicit Needs**: These are deeper needs, often involving clients' emotional and psychological needs, such as boosting confidence or seeking social approval. Strategies to address implicit needs include:
   - Establish strong client relationships to build trust.
   - Offer personalized services, focusing on clients' emotional and psychological states.
   - Create a comfortable and relaxing environment to enhance the client experience.

### II. Analysis of Client Types and Response Strategies

1. **Worried Type**:
   - Provide comprehensive information and consultations to help clients understand each step and expected results.
   - Do not rush the project; give clients ample time to consider and decide.

2. **Dependent Type**:
   - Encourage clients to bring family or friends for consultation and decision-making.
   - Provide positive feedback and encouragement throughout the project.
   - Ensure good follow-up and support after the project to reduce client anxiety.

3. **Emotional Type**:
   - Listen to clients' needs and desires and offer personalized suggestions.
   - Maintain positive interactions during the project to enhance client satisfaction.

4. **Paranoid Type**:
   - Be patient and avoid conflicts with clients.
   - Refrain from making excessive promises to avoid raising clients' expectations too high.
   - Provide detailed explanations of risks and outcomes to ensure clients fully understand.

5. **Schizoid Type**:
   - Offer a safe and comfortable consultation environment to build client trust.
   - Allow clients to bring family or friends for support to increase their sense of security.
   - Maintain follow-up after the project to promptly address any dissatisfaction.

### III. Integrating Psychological Needs Management Throughout the Process

1. **Marketing Stage**:
   - Convey the professionalism and safety of the beauty salon through advertisements and promotional materials.
   - Organize seminars and experience activities to increase client trust and interest.

2. **Consultation Stage**:
   - Conduct a comprehensive needs analysis to understand clients' explicit and implicit needs.
   - Provide detailed project recommendations and risk explanations to increase clients' decision-making confidence.

3. **Treatment Stage**:
   - Maintain communication with clients, promptly addressing their questions and concerns.
   - Ensure comfort and safety during the procedure to reduce client anxiety.

4. **Aftercare**:
   - Regularly follow up on clients' recovery, providing timely support and assistance.
   - Organize client follow-up visits and satisfaction surveys to gather feedback and suggestions.

By implementing these strategies, beauty salons can better understand and meet the needs of beauty seekers, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and avoid client attrition and potential disputes.


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